Popular countries
Global directory of kids-friendly places, services and events

This is a guide to kids-friendly places of the world
We help parents save time on finding the information they need. Our mission is to help families spend more time together, and to make the world a kids-friendly place.
We help parents save time on finding the information they need. Our mission is to help families spend more time together, and to make the world a kids-friendly place.

There are 7 sections in our “Places” menu:
Time Out & Activities, Education & Daycare, Restaurants & Cafes, Sports & Active Leisure, Shopping, Healthcare, and Other Services. The list can be filtered by country and city.
Time Out & Activities, Education & Daycare, Restaurants & Cafes, Sports & Active Leisure, Shopping, Healthcare, and Other Services. The list can be filtered by country and city.

In the "Reviews" section
we publish photos, comments and feedback written by parents, as well as lengthy and thorough reviews, put together by our expert editors.
we publish photos, comments and feedback written by parents, as well as lengthy and thorough reviews, put together by our expert editors.